TELEO Family,
I first want to say that I truly miss everyone! I hope that everyone is well and safe. We are into the beginning of week #2 of being closed so I wanted to touch base with everyone.
Secondly I want to say THANK YOU! to everyone for their support during this time. The emails, texts, and acts of kindness truly show what this community is all about and defines the TELEO Family. Please know that those gestures and acts will never be forgotten.
Our wellness support group leader Rachael French sent some resources to pass along to everyone during this time. I can't thank Rachael enough for her expertise and willingness to help during this time. These resources are at the bottom of this blog post.. The 2nd resource is a PDF and I can send along in an email at your request.
During this time we are updating the facility. We have and will continue to clean the facility. We have re-painted and will be adding some upgrades to the downstairs bathroom. We have also added another lifting platform. We look forward to opening back up and being stronger than when this whole thing started.
Refleksiv classes will continue to be held virtually by Heather. The next scheduled class is Thursday at 6am. These classes will be added to the Mind Body site and can be signed on there and also on our website under the Refleksiv tab.
I hope everyone is getting a chance to move as well. We have provided Group Training via our website and are in week 2 of that program.
Our other option as it relates to moving has been the 10 day at home training programs. Again I can't say thank you enough for the overwhelming support of this program as well!
This option can be taken advantage of by reaching out to your trainer for details.
Jeff Lippert
Josh Koenig
Adrienne Innocenti
Katie Kaufmann
If anyone is in need of anything please don't hesitate to reach out. I look forward to when this is over and seeing everyone again! Take care, Stay Safe, and Well!
Wellness Resource #1
Things to do while at home to help structure your day and use your energy in productive ways
Check-in with friends via phone, text, social media, video
Write a card or letter to a friend or family member
Write an email or send a letter/card to the elderly who cannot have visitors
Build an etsy shop
Zoom group gatherings
Feed the birds
Tend to plants
Plant seeds
Teach your pet a trick
Spend time with your pet
Go for a walk
Listen to music
Play an instrument
Go fishing
Make fishing lures
Prepare for a permit test
Go driving for drivers license hours
Partake in museum online tours
Watch Zoo footage
Watch live musicals online
Paint your nails
Take extra time for your skin care
Take a long bath or shower
Rubber stamp
Go through clothes
Paint a room
Move your furniture around
Make something on shutterfly
Download a language app
Play board games
Play cards
Repurpose items
Shrinky dinks
Plastic bag rugs/mats
Make a bird feeder
Watch movies
Track your steps
Get up and get ready every day
Read topics you want to learn about for mental health like self-care, assertiveness, boundaries
Khan Academy
Take a course online through Lynda or Coursera
Use your public library website
Mindfulness activities
Sit in the sun
Play in the rain
Listen and watch birds
Resource #2:
This is a PDF and I can't add it to this blog if you would like a copy please reach me at:
I will send it along.